
Flipstar - Flippin' out? Maybe.

Flipstar is the newest game at Candystand! The name tells you exactly what you'll be doing. Flipping stars! ^_^

Hellooooooooo big starfishy!

There are a total of 20 levels and 5 bonus levels! Each level is unlocked by finishing the previous puzzle. Each puzzle has a timer and limited number of moves, so be careful!


Now, how does this work? It's very simple. You get a board with some red starfish and yellow starfish. Your goal is to turn all of the starfishies yellow. Any starfish you click on will flip over, as will the other starfish in a + pattern.

Look at this:

Green circle courtesy of Mira.

See how the red starfish are shaped like a +? When you click on the one in the middle (circled in green) all of the starfishies in that + will flip over. Like so!

Yay!! I wins!!

The first 8 puzzles are pretty easy. But they get a LOT harder.


I was stuck on #12 for a long time. I doubt that I could figure it out again if I had to. =( But puzzle #15 really knocked me out.


I tried it over and over. Alas, I failed. =(

Yeah yeah. Rub it in, why dontcha? :P

Tips & Tricks
  1. The levels are timed, but the clock doesn't start until you click a starfish. Take a few moments to study the puzzle before you dive in!
  2. Hitting RESTART will let you try a level again. There's no penalty, so don't be afraid to hit RESTART if you keep getting stuck.
  3. Every move you make subtracts 10 points from your score for that level. Clicking randomly is not recommended. ^_^

Final Rating

Flipstar is cute, but it's not a high quality game like I'm used to seeing at Candystand. I enjoyed Trident Layers Factory and Rotato a lot more. ^_^

It's not a bad game. I'm just not in love with it. 3 stars out of 5.

Don't forget that Tuesdays at Candystand are DOUBLE ticket days! Try out Flipstar and share your 2 cents about it. ^_^