
Points4Prizes: Winners and New Bonuses!

p4plfontThe first week of P4P is finished, and a hearty congrats to mbif for getting a great start on points! Here’s how it turned out. (Warning: The chart kinda looks sad.) 
Bonus Winner
Weekly Challenge No winner. :(
Best Comment mbif!
Best Tip No tips.
Lucky Linkster mbif!

Curious what mbif’s Best Comment was? Here’s what I picked. ^_^

. . . Frantic Fish isn't as exciting as it could be, but I do enjoy the slower pace when I'm feeling frazzled and stressed at the end of a long workday. If they'd just update it a bit, it would be nice, but last time I mentioned it to their staff I was told they were more interested in creating new games than revamping the older ones.

I'd play it more if it had a fairer payout. It definitely is a little frustrating that I can play a game and walk away with only 5 GVs, and games like Quick Draw Poker can easily net me over 1,000 GVs per game! It just doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Having fewer people playing it, though, does mean slightly better odds of winning the $25 (assuming you can get into the top 5 at all, which can be surprisingly difficult.)

This comment is well thought out and mbif shares her personal opinion (and experience) with the game. Excellent job! ^_^

mbif was also the Lucky Linkster this week, and picked up 25 points for Tweeting a link to Free2WinGames. Remember, the Lucky Linkster gets 25 points per link, up to 250 points!

Ready for a new week? Well here’s the new bonuses.

The new Double Feature Extreme is Slingo!

The Weekly Challenge is Word Noodle at BugleGames!

(Here’s a guide on Word Noodle if you need it!)

Have fun! ^_^