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Flexicon – Flex that grey matter!

Flexicon is a crossword puzzle that you can play at Club Bing. As with all crossword puzzles, you have a blank grid to fill in with words. Words go across and down, but not diagonally!

Of course, you aren’t just guessing on what goes where. You get a clue for each and every word. ^_^


How nice.

Well, it’s more like a crossword puzzle that’s broken into four pieces. Each piece connects to one long word called the Flexicon.

The picture below is all from the same puzzle, but it’s the different sections so you can (hopefully) see how they fit together.

4 sections

You can flip between the sections whenever you want, so if you get stuck on one bit just move to the next. There’s no penalty!

If a clue is too vague for you, move your cursor over the clue. A little green bar will pop up asking if you want to Get a Hint or Give Up. (Tip: Don’t give up!!! You can’t earn any more tickets if you give up!) Selecting the hint will run a specific search in the bing engine below.

search Oooooh!

Yup, as with all games on Club Bing, the bing search engine is always attached to the game. ^_^ Sometimes the hints are helpful, but other times… not-so-much.  If that’s the case, use the search engine to see what you can find on your own!

Some puzzles are easier than others, and clues are repeated. This just means that you’ll get faster with them over time, which is great! A finished puzzle can award up to 25 tickets, which is pretty darn good for a Club Bing game.

tickets See! Proof!!

Oh! The one semi-annoying thing is that you have to confirm each word after you put it into the puzzle. If it’s wrong you’ll see a lovely red X. No red X means that Yay!! You got it! ^_^


Final Rating

Usually crossword puzzles intimidate me, but I really like how Flexicon breaks up one big puzzle into the four smaller sections. Taking things one chunk at a time makes it a LOT less scary. ^_^

I rate this 4 stars out of 5. It’s solid entertainment with enough of a challenge to keep me going back for more. Woot!

What would you rate it? Do you like crossword puzzles or do they bore you?


Similar Games

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  • Crossword at Spigo – A slightly more traditional crossword puzzle, but still has some very interesting clues. ^_^
  • Word Whomp at Pogo – Make as many words as possible from the letters!
  • Word Chain Plus at SwagBucks – How many four letter words do you know? I bet it’s more than you think!

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